The Corner Blog
@ Magic & Main Studios






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So what’s going on?

Only ONE more week and I will be officially on vacation for 6 whole days. I don’t normally take off that much time in a row (really it’s only 4 days and then the weekend), so this will be a real treat.

I feel like the days are flying by right now and yet I feel like it’s the same thing day in and day out. Which makes me then think I have nothing important to blog about but if I think about the last couple weeks, there are plenty of things I can talk about.

So here goes…

(See above picture) Last night Michael agreed to me making chicken enchiladas for dinner. I have never made them before (but I love them so, so much!) and I got the recipe from HERE. They turned out good. Michael liked them, I thought they could have more spice and Shawn, well, he said they were disgusting. It’s a good thing we don’t let him dictate what we eat for dinner. Lol

Have you seen that Voila AI Artist app that’s been going around on Facebook? It takes your photos and turns them into a cartoon (Disney-like). I have been playing around with them and I love it!

Speaking of Facebook, I have made some new blogging friends, so if you’d like to connect with me on there, you can find me on there under Jules Stuart and my profile link is HERE. Feel free to friend me!

My Blueberry Ice Cream Sundae… just because it looked yummy and amazing. Really, it was so good! (And I wonder why I have to workout. Lol)

We are always in Home Depot (no surprise there) and I had been eyeing up this cute hanging plant. Finally Michael told me to grab it and bring it home. It now hangs by the kitchen sink. I loved the pot more than anything.

These are the last of my peonies and I got a picture of the light pink ones just in time. There was a major rainstorm on Monday and it tore them all to the shreds.

And no post would be complete without seeing Merida’s beautiful face. She’s such a water dog and she’s been living her best life lately. We not only do we fill up an outdoor tub for her to play in…

We also bought her a sprinkler. lol She stands there with her mouth wide open and lets it spray her. She can’t get enough of it.

So that’s what’s new with me… lots of every day stuff. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s just not anything really interesting. Anyway… hope you all are having a wonderful week!

XOXO, Jules

comments +

  1. Linda says:

    Now see, our German Shep is NOT a water dog, no way, no how. Those enchiladas look good, my son and husband refuse to eat them. I hope you have a beautiful day, Jules.

  2. Mari says:

    I make a similar chicken enchilada recipe. You’ve reminded me to make it again!
    Your peony is just gorgeous! Sad what rain does to them. I love that pot too.
    Isn’t voila fun? Your pics are cute. So is Merida.
    Happy vacation! I’m going to look for you on FB.

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The Corner Blog
@ Magic & Main Studios


I am taking the slowness and peaceful nature of winter catching up on my reading and finishing some projects around the house.




Recently I have been trying new ways of creating - Needle Felting and Hand Embroidery are quickly becoming favorites!


Trying Something New

It's been years since we have had kittens in the house but after our Penny passed away suddenly, we adopted 2 twin kittens. It's been an adventure getting them used to our 2 German Shepherds.


New Kittens


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