You didn’t think that I forgot that I hadn’t posted the last and final strawberry recipe that I made with my 5 lbs of strawberries did you? Nah… I just figured everyone might be sick of strawberry recipes and I switched things up for a little bit. These cookies were addicting and oh-so-yummy! They were quite moist but had a nice, light flavor to them and I had a hard time not eating a couple at a time.
If you’d like to make these cookies for yourself, you can hop on over HERE to grab the recipe.

In our vegetable garden we grow our own strawberries and there is truly nothing sweeter than when you pick it off the vine and it’s still warm from the sun. We don’t usually get a huge crop of them and they usually get eaten fairly quickly. Since we moved our beds last year, we decided to try something different with the berries this year. We are going to be doing hanging baskets from the rafters in the garden enclosure.
We have heard good things about growing them this way, so we will see how it goes. The last couple of years the plants weren’t producing as much (and it didn’t help when the birds would eat them on us!), so here’s to hoping this works. I will be sure to post about it either way.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
XOXO, Jules
Yum! Thanks for sharing. Have a great Tuesday, Jules.
Strawberries are one of my favorites, but Bob doesn’t like them. Can you believe that? Anyway, I’d like to try the cookies but will have to do it when I’m bringing them somewhere.