Typically I try and post a variety of different things on here because I get bored with the same stuff day in and day out. I used to have a personal/lifestyle blog years ago and I’m sure some of that lingers in my posts here (old habits die hard). However, I don’t think I post enough “right here, right now” type of posts, so I thought I would give everyone a glimpse of what life is like lately for me.
Making: I am currently working on some fairy garden pieces and hope to be able to show them to you all soon. I posted a little bit of a bridge yesterday but I am hoping to make a couple other things too.
Cooking: With Memorial Day coming and even though I have to work the holiday, I still want to cook a nice meal for just us. I have been wanting to try out some delicious pasta salads that I have pinned on Pinterest lately.
Drinking: I don’t really drink anything other than ice water but I could really go for a margarita right about now.
Reading: I have a book that I bought a month ago that I haven’t even started yet. Sometimes it takes me a bit to slow down and spend some time reading. The book is The Love Season by Elin Hildebrand.
Wanting: A week to myself to where I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I don’t usually take a week off from work but when I do, it’s usually for my mental health and not for a vacation. Shawn’s at school, Michael is at work all day and I just mosey through my days. I bake, cook, craft, go for walks, etc. whatever I feel like doing. I need this so much right now.
Looking: Forward to our Tennessee trip! Can’t wait!
Wishing: I could get started on some garden projects and that we were rich and famous (ha!) so I could do everything that I want in the yard and not have to drag it out year after year.
Playing: I don’t typically play video games on my own but I have been playing some Minecraft with Shawn lately. Not my favorite but he enjoys our time together.
Wasting: Time but sometimes you just need to do whatever you want, instead of what you need to do.
Enjoying: The warmer weather! It’s so nice that Spring has (hopefully) arrived for good!
Waiting: For my husband to finish a few projects for me. I am not patient sometimes.
Liking: I am really liking the long walks we have been going on lately. With the nicer temps, we have been making it a point to get outside more.
Wondering: When Michael will let me book our next Walt Disney World trip. lol
Loving: All the Spring blossoms in my backyard and the smell of our lilac bush that greets me when I walk out the backdoor.
Hoping: I am hoping that this summer we can schedule a couple hiking trips. We love to go hiking and there are some new places I would like to go hike at.
Listening: I am all over the place with music lately but right now, I am listening to the peace and quiet. Doesn’t happen often.
Marveling: At even though we miss our 2 dogs that we had to put down in August 2020 and January 2021, that Merida has managed to fill the hole in our hearts with so much love and joy. We knew when we brought her home on December 26th that we would love her but we didn’t realize how much we were going to need her in our life.
Needing: To stop baking for awhile. Once I start, I have a hard time stopping. Since May 1st, I have baked 8 different things! Portion control is so hard when it’s constantly around me. I need to take a break.
Sowing: Veggies and flowers! Can’t wait to get them all in the ground and containers.
Smelling: Freshly cut grass – which is my biggest allergen and it’s driving my allergies crazy.
Wearing: Hoodies in the morning (it’s still cool in the morning) and tshirts and capris in the afternoons. Hopefully soon I can break out my sundresses and sandals.
Following: Joanie Simon! I found her YouTube channel a couple weeks ago and I have been watching her like crazy. She is a Food Photographer and since that’s a big interest of mine, I have been soaking up lots of knowledge!
Noticing: That no one else is going to put away the laundry, so maybe I should do it. lol
Knowing: That I need to slow down and enjoy the days right now. I get so energized this time of year and I tend to over schedule and plan too much. I am trying to calm myself down.
Thinking: I need to get over myself and use my Cricut Machine. Michael got it for me *ahem* a year and a half ago and I haven’t touched it. I am intimidated by it for some reason and I really just need to play with it. I have watched countless videos. I have the software. I have some projects to make. and yet I haven’t touched it.
Bookmarking: Some tutorials for Photoshop that I want to try out.
Opening: A package that just came from London and I can’t wait to share it with everyone.
Giggling: At the goofy things Merida does. She constantly makes me laugh.
Well that was long…. but it was nice to just get some random thoughts out. Enjoy your day everyone!
XOXO, Jules
I enjoyed your post. I can’t wait to see what you got from London. Oh and I am working on Memorial Day too, actually I have to work 1-10 next Friday and then Monday 7-3:30. NOT looking forward to it. grin
Have a beautiful day….p.s. I am NOT enjoying this 90* weather we are having, just saying, lol.