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Friday Five #1 | Things I Can’t Wait For!

I’m so thankful that it’s finally Friday! It has been a really long week, the weekend is supposed to be beautiful and even warm for a change! It’s going to actually feel like Spring for once. Woot! I hope everyone else had a really great week and enjoys the weekend too.

Five Things That I Simply Cannot Wait For!

  1. Our Tennessee Trip: Every 2 years we have a group of 30-ish friends (and their family) all get together for 4 days and hang out, eat good food, do fun activities and have a wonderful time together. We will rent a huge cabin in the Smokey Mountains or sometimes rent a beach house in Myrtle Beach. It’s pretty much a family reunion and we have people come as far as Denmark and Alaska. I seriously can’t wait for this trip and I am so glad it can happen this year. (It was rescheduled from last year due to Covid-19.)
  2. I can’t wait to get outside and garden. In the above picture this is the new 20′ x 12′ vegetable garden that Michael and I built last year during quarantine. We have been gardening for nearly the last 20 years and we decided to move our beds and build an amazing enclosure around it. I can’t wait to get our veggies in there! I am also building a large butterfly garden just to the right of it as well. I got all the plants on Mother’s Day and I am dying to get started on it. Being out in my gardens is my happy place.
  3. Summer Vacation! As I know this last year has not only been challenging for me but for all parents and teachers. Shawn isn’t going back to school full time until the fall since they’re only allowing the younger kids/grades to go back, so that means I will continue to work at home for 3 days. I love being home, don’t get me wrong. However, I miss being in the office. Plus, I don’t want to deal with this anymore. Bring on summer vacation with relaxed bedtimes, schedules, and relaxing.
  4. The 5th season of The Crown. I don’t watch much tv at all but I binge-watched all 4 seasons of The Crown on Netflix and now I must wait for the next season like everyone else. I have always had an obsession with all things England and The Royals, so I knew I would enjoy this show. I feel so lost now that I don’t have anything left to watch.
  5. I can’t wait to bake! I know, I do this a lot but I always look forward to it. I am wanting to make some French Beignets in the shape of Mickey Mouse. Just like you would get in Walt Disney World. I have been wanting to make these for awhile now and I think it’s going to be happening soon.

And there are my 5 things… Have a great weekend everyone!

XOXO, Jules

comments +

  1. Mari says:

    As you know, we just returned from the Smoky Mountains. It’s such a beautiful place and a great vacation with a group. Have so much fun!
    Your garden looks amazing!

  2. Linda says:

    So, can you adopt me? LOLOLOL–TN is so lovely. We thought about moving there, but you know, the prices of things right now, sigh. I am so jealous of your greenhouse-GRIN. Have a beautiful weekend, Jules.

  3. kim says:

    I’m so jealous of your garden! Bet you’re glad you did that last year with how expensive wood is right now? lol It looks amazing! You did a fantastic job on that!

    I absolutely LOVE Tennessee. It is where my heart is and hope to one day live there! I can not wait to go back either.

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@ Magic & Main Studios


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