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Tasty Tuesday #2 | The Taste of {an early} Summer

There is just something about the fresh flavor of lemon that makes me long for summer (and I don’t even care for summer really). It’s just so fresh and light and I think the quintessential flavor of the season. Michael asked me if I could bake a cake for a work-friend because she just celebrated her birthday and this is her favorite cake. I was more than happy to oblige.

What I am most proud of is that I didn’t eat any of it! I love cake. I think cake should be its own food group. I dream of cake. But I was good! For the last year I have been working out pretty much daily (I did take a couple months break) and I am 8 lbs. away from goal. Yippee! Without going into much detail, I spent an entire year not feeling good due to my migraines and I ate everything in sight to “help” me feel better. 20lbs later and 1.5 trips around the sun, I was tired of it. The not feeling comfortable in my clothes. The not being able to wear my cute summer sundresses. I just couldn’t stand it anymore.

So I started out in September 2020 and I began working out daily and did it for 130 days in a row. I should have kept going but I needed the break. What was supposed to be a couple week break turned into a 2 month break. Getting back on the horse was hard but I promised myself that I would do it. Almost 6 weeks later, I am still at it and should reach my goal within the next few weeks (fingers crossed!).

I have pretty much stayed away from all baking during this time because it’s just too tempting. However, I have started to bake a little bit more here and there and I am learning that it’s not about “eating a lot” either. A taste, a bite and be done with it. I don’t need to eat 3 cookies when a bite of it will satisfy me. I think I will always struggle with this but it’s a good reminder!

XOXO, Jules

comments +

  1. Kathy says:

    Hi Jules, oh your blog is just breathtaking! I sure wish I had your skills! The pictures too, all I can say is wow!

  2. Lori says:

    My mom loves lemon everything too. It is just ok to me, but she would totally get your love for it.

    Great job on your workouts! That is awesome. I worked out during the covid time off, but that ended for me in August. I have been back to work since then. I am so glad you are blogging again!

    • Jules says:

      Thanks Lori! I know it can be tough to find the time to workout with working and life in general. Definitely not always easy to fit it all in.

  3. Kim says:

    That lemon pound cake looks absolutely delicious!

    Congratulations on the weight loss ! Yay you for starting back up, that is such a huge accomplishment. You got this girl!

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@ Magic & Main Studios


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