Over on the Disney Parks Blog they are currently Conjuring Up Some Magic with their #HalfwaytoHalloween Celebration, so I thought it would be fun to post about it too! Halloween is up there in the ranks of my favorite holidays (Nothing will top Christmas though!) and I tend to go all out.
Last Halloween I was inspired by the “Not So Poisoned Apple Cupcake” that you can get in Walt Disney World and created my own version of it. Let me tell you… AHH-MAZING! It’s a Spiced Apple Cake, with a Pecan Praline Sauce on top, Butter Cream Frosting and a Butter Cream “Apple” with a Cinnamon Bun frosting on top and a candy stem. Candy “glass shards” around it to make it scary.

I also thought that I would share some pictures of Halloween Past. We are the type of family that dresses up and goes out trick or treating together. Some years we have a theme and other years we are different things. Up until the last couple of years, my sister and niece would go with us but she’s a teenager now and well, we all know how that goes.

Some years I will make Shawn’s costume and others we buy it from a store. The above is from 2019 when he wanted to be a Minecraft Creeper. I think it turned out to be rather cute (for a creeper that is) and if it hadn’t been raining heavily that day, we had plans for him to carry a small speaker with him to make the sounds from the game.

Even though Christmas has and always will be my favorite holiday, my favorite holiday tradition is carving pumpkins! It was something that I always loved as a child and even before I had Shawn, we would carve a pumpkin for Halloween. Some years I get more complicated and other years I go the simple route. These were from 2020 with mine being the Snoopy at the top with Michael’s crooked smiley face and Shawn’s the Minecraft Tools (of course!).
So tell me, do you like Halloween? Do you have any fun traditions that you like to do or a fun memory to share from years gone by? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
XOXO, Jules
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