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Berries and Berries and Berries, Oh My!

If you read yesterday’s post, then you got a small preview of what my Thursday night consisted of. BAKING! Which of course is truly nothing new if you know me personally and follow me on Facebook. However, for those new around here (and I have had some new visitors – Hi new friends! Hope you stick around and visit often!), I love, love, love to bake. If you’ve not browsed around the Magic & Main Confectionary part of my site, what you will find are pictures of all sorts of yummy desserts that I have made for others and for ourselves.

So back to Thursday…

We do our grocery shopping on Sunday’s and our local grocery store always has an amazing berry sale this time of year. Buy 2, Get 3 Free on all berries and typically I buy a bunch, freeze them and then we have strawberry shortcake and other desserts all summer long. I have a really hard time resisting this sale and I bought 5 lbs of strawberries and told my family they were under no circumstances allowed to eat them.

I totally didn’t know what I was going to make but I had plans… and for once, they all listened.

Thursday night I was baking the Lemon Blueberry donuts (see yesterday’s post) for my work BFF’s last day of work in my office, so I decided to bake this Strawberry Bread that I had found on Pinterest. However, it didn’t take nearly as many strawberries as I had imagined, so I was left with 4.5 lbs. and no ideas on what to do with them (Freezing them just wasn’t an option – read: me being stubborn). So I made my bread, joked around on Facebook about all these berries and browsed Pinterest some more.

I did find some other things to make with the berries and I will share them down the road. No sense in overloading you with everything all at once. I will say this about the bread though… AMAZING! It’s got wonderful flavor, super moist and absolutely delicious!

So if you find yourself with 5 lbs. of strawberries (or even, you know, just 2 cups – Ha!) you can make this yourself with this recipe. I did lighten up the glaze on top since I thought the recipe was over the top on that part.

XOXO, Jules

comments +

  1. Lori says:

    Oh strawberry bread! I have never had that and it sounds good! Looks wonderful too.

  2. Linda says:

    Oh my! Thank you for the many smiles, Jules! Wishing you a beautiful Mother’s Day, my new friend, grin.

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The Corner Blog
@ Magic & Main Studios


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