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To Spring or Not to Spring…

I believe that Mother Nature has been reading Shakespeare and is contemplating life a little too much right now. lol All silliness aside, it had appeared that Spring had arrived early for us here in Western New York. The weather has been Spring-like for the last couple of weeks, we have gotten quite a bit of yard work done, worked on the garden beds, and cleaned up winter debris. And then…. snow; 4 inches of it to be exact. Nothing earth-shattering but enough to be a pain.

I love winter and snow but it’s Spring, so go away already. My birthday is May 1st and we always seem to have snow right up to it, so I don’t know why I thought this year would be different. Oh well, such is life. At least it was pretty and I was working from home anyway; so it’s not like I had to drive in it. This is what we woke up to this morning and it just kept coming down for most of the day.

Since the beginning of the school year, I have been working from home 3 days a week and in the office for the remaining 2 days. I am basically here just to make sure that Shawn keeps up with his school work. They’re talking about sending them into school for 4 days a week and honestly, it can’t happen fast enough. I truly miss seeing my coworkers every day and I am more focused on my work. Here’s to hoping they can go back soon!

XOXO, Jules

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  1. Kim says:

    You have to love April on the East Coast. lol One day it’s t-shirt weather and the next a raging snowstorm. We’re in a freeze warning tonight. I had to bring in all my little seed pots because i was afraid it would get too cold in the garage.
    Everyone is anxious about getting back to the normal. I know I am. Longing for the day to be able to go to the store without a mask. I hate those dang things lol

    • Julie Stuart says:

      We had move all out baby plants inside as well. Hopefully it warms up enough that they can come back outside and enjoy the sun!

  2. Hi Jules! I was so delighted to see your post at my blog. Thank you so much for coming to visit. I’ve been away for a long time from our precious blogging circle, too.

    I was happy to see that friends are still blogging. The landscape has changed with blogger, but that’s no matter. I’m just so pleased to be in contact again. I got my site up and running again, just for sentimental reasons, including my original Wynne’s Warbles lol. I’ve since made a blogger home. Sorry for the long post, so good to see you!

    New blog:
    Old journal/blog heehee

    • Julie Stuart says:

      Hi Wynne! I have all my original files but I don’t have anything that I can push live, even if I wanted to. I don’t know what I did with the actual HTML files. Oh well! I think it’s great that you were able to make your site live again. Brings back so many memories!

  3. Hmmm, my website wasn’t opening when I tested it, will try again. Btw, your snow pic is beautiful. It’s Spring so I’m wanting it to go away, too, though lol.

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The Corner Blog
@ Magic & Main Studios


I am taking the slowness and peaceful nature of winter catching up on my reading and finishing some projects around the house.




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