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@ Magic & Main Studios






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Unintended Summer Vacation

Hi friends! Well that wasn’t supposed to happen – I was supposed to jump right back into blogging after coming back from vacation and instead I took a blogging break for the summer. I kept telling myself that I would start back up next week and before I knew it, the end of August had arrived.

With school starting next week and the beginning of our busiest time of year, I am going to only blog twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. I will try to get around to visit everyone when I can.

I want to share my vacation photos and stories. I want to share a boring story about washing my hair and pulling a muscle in my neck so bad that I am now seeing a chiropractor. I want to share about getting another dog. I want to share about baking yummy desserts. I want to share that I have been struggling with migraines all summer long. I want to share about Christmas in July crafts. I want to share lots of different things. And yet, I am at a loss of where to start.

So for now, I will leave this post short and sweet… Oh, and the above picture was taken onto of Pine Mountain in Kentucky. It was a spectacular view and I simply adore this family photo of us.

I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your summer.

XOXO, Jules

comments +

  1. Susan says:

    Hi Jules, glad to see you post! Sorry you have suffered with migraines. That is a great picture of you and your family! Time goes by way to fast so good that you are making changes to you and your famil!

  2. Linda says:

    I have missed you and have been looking forward to an update, grin. Such a lovely photo. Hope you have a beautiful day, friend.

  3. Mari says:

    I was happy to see a post from you. I love the photo of your family.
    So sorry about the migraines. My mom used to have them and I know how miserable they were. Hope the chiropractor helps your neck!

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The Corner Blog
@ Magic & Main Studios


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